Leaning into the Roar

Leaning into the Roar

It is January 2023 and I feel compelled to write something about the New Year and the opportunity for a fresh new impact. The New Year for me is thrilling! I am excited and energized because I love the feeling of a new start and a fresh opportunity to come out of the...
Listen Like a Boss

Listen Like a Boss

One of the most important skills we practice as leaders is our listening skills. People with strong listening ability are more likely to understand tasks and projects, build strong relationships with employees and co-workers, and are able to better solve problems and...
5 Actions to Build Trust

5 Actions to Build Trust

Trust is on the decline in every part of our society. Even before the Novel Corona Virus came along, trust in government, trust in organizational leadership, and trust in the media, were dropping. In a research study done in 2018 by the Grossman Group, trust in our...

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