Designing for Team Culture
One of the most important things you can do at the beginning of any new team initiative, meeting, work project, or gathering is to design a team alliance. Taking a little extra time to design your culture is worth every minute!
Leaning into the Roar
It is January 2023 and I feel compelled to write something about the New Year and the opportunity for a fresh new impact. The New Year for me is thrilling! I am excited and energized because I love the feeling of a new start and a fresh opportunity to come out of the...
Values Shape your Corporate Culture
Values are the guiding principles and fundamental beliefs that help a group function together as a team and work toward a common business goal.
Scales – a Useful and Fun Tool!
Scales encourage participants to engage, reflect, and respond. When people respond, you know they are connecting to what you are saying. When participants reflect, they are reinforcing what they have learned. When they engage, they have an opportunity to express themselves – and everybody needs to be seen and heard.
Dump Hybrid and Go Multi-Access
Hybrid today refers to two options for engagement, but what about thinking more inclusively? Consider all of the ways your people could connect for training, meetings, and collaboration. When we put the participant at the center of the equation, we realize that accessibility takes a bigger role.
Listen Like a Boss
One of the most important skills we practice as leaders is our listening skills. People with strong listening ability are more likely to understand tasks and projects, build strong relationships with employees and co-workers, and are able to better solve problems and resolve conflicts.