After months of working to uncover the advantages and limitations of Lego Serious Play (LSP) in the virtual space, my colleague, Gabriel Youssef, and I have created an amazingly playful experience. We have launched The Powerful Leaders Mastermind which combines the fantastic thinking and problem solving capabilities of Lego Serious play with the advantages of a mastermind environment. This mastermind leverages the collective intelligence of the group as we work together to discover and solve challenges we all experience as entrepreneurs and business owners. We are so excited to be facilitating small group cohorts through this transformative six month program.

Check out our playlist of short videos as we explain advantages and tackle objections of the LSP tool as a mastermind methodology.


If you would like to learn more about the Powerful Leaders Mastermind, connect with us for a free no obligation conversation here, or connect with, Marcy Fortnow at


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