

5 Actions to Build Trust

5 Actions to Build Trust

Failure to build trust will result in low morale, motivation, and reduced productivity. With intentional effort and these 5 tips, leaders can build and maintain trust so that their employees are more loyal, productive, connected, and engaged.

5 Tips for Closing Your Virtual Meeting

5 Tips for Closing Your Virtual Meeting

Many meetings fail to achieve objectives because the person running the meeting doesn’t plan the end properly. Using these 5 closing tips in your virtual meeting room or conference call will help your team to communicate more clearly and productively, your projects move forward, and your meeting time be well spent.

Physically Fun Check-ins

Physically Fun Check-ins

We have been sitting in our homes all day, on calls, doing emails, and having virtual meetings. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t get up and get some blood moving! Movement helps us to feel more positive, more energized, and more capable of dealing with these challenging times.

Mental Health Check-ins

Mental Health Check-ins

Checking in to connect with how your team is feeling is more critical than ever before. Failing to make space for your employees need to connect and express themselves will result in lower motivation, lower commitment, and lower productivity.

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