The After Action Review
After Action Reviews help teams turn past events into valuable opportunities for growth and development. In this article I explain exactly how to run one!
My Favorite Shapes and Reflection Tool
Square-Circle-Triangle is one of my favorite reflection tools to end a meeting or learning experience. Reflection tools help to solidify learning, promote retention, and encourage participants to think more deeply about the significance of what they have experienced and learned.
Leveraging Productivity: In-Person and Remote
The environment your employees are in should make a difference for the kind of work you ask them to do. Be more productive by doing focus work at home and collaborative work in the office.
The “Stay Interview” – Why it Matters and What to Include
Stay interviews are a powerful tool for companies looking to retain their best employees and create a positive and productive work environment. By incorporating stay interviews into their employee engagement strategy, companies can improve employee retention, communication and engagement, leading to increased productivity and a more harmonious workplace.
Designing for Team Culture
One of the most important things you can do at the beginning of any new team initiative, meeting, work project, or gathering is to design a team alliance. Taking a little extra time to design your culture is worth every minute!
Leaning into the Roar
It is January 2023 and I feel compelled to write something about the New Year and the opportunity for a fresh new impact. The New Year for me is thrilling! I am excited and energized because I love the feeling of a new start and a fresh opportunity to come out of the...